How many of you get the print issue of R&R every month and that’s the extent of your involvement with the publication? Do you turn the local news on in the morning, but don’t have the station’s news app downloaded for breaking news or weather notifications?
That little quote is from the book, “The Power of No: Because One Little Word Can Bring Health, Abundance, and Happiness.” The book talks about the power of saying no, and the freedom it can bring, while admitting the anguish, desperation, fear, and anxiety it can also bring. It is a brave word to say.
So here is some total honesty for you. When I interviewed for the Restoration & Remediation editor gig in the spring of 2015, I left the meeting thinking there was no way I got the job. You know why? (Okay – everyone in HR, cover your ears!)
In the last year alone, R&R has experienced explosive growth – and that is thanks to YOU! The more you succeed at helping people and restoring lives, the more we can succeed – and continue sharing and creating content that matters to you.
My son, Levi, is what I would call an observer. His 2-year-old mind is constantly whirring, and boy that child does not miss a beat – on anything. Within the last month or two, however, I’ve noticed him becoming more involved in his world than simply observing it.
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Great Post. Thanks for sharing with us a...