Restoration and remediation services are viable startups, as many residential and commercial buildings need them. As the company takes off, it’s natural to wonder if it’s time to scale up or if it’s too soon to make any significant changes. Being off on the timing can make or break an establishment.


Assessing When to Scale the Business

Some people may think expansion should occur after a set amount of time, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Each enterprise has a different growth pace. It’s part of the reason why restoration and remediation business owners should always conduct a monthly review to determine if things are going well or need backup.

For instance, maybe the company goal is to take on a certain amount of restoration projects per month. If it meets the quota under the timeline, it may be time to scale up the client base.

Another example would be how the business is growing financially. Expansion should be considered if the services garner more profit than expected. Previous reports may even suggest a momentum of growth.

Scaling the business can take time and effort, so it’s important not to rush it. Forcing the circumstances can lead to burnout and failure. Set a timeline and consider what areas to focus on. The restoration and remediation business will grow in no time.


examining business documents on a laptop computer

Photo credit: John Schnobrich /

Strategies to Grow the Business

There are multiple ways to grow a restoration and remediation business. Managers should focus on the most important aspect and start strategizing. Here are general techniques owners should use to scale an enterprise.

1. Create an Online Presence

Consider your digital presence when scaling up a business. About 21% of U.S. consumers utilize the internet to search for a local business every day.1 Take advantage of that web traffic by having profiles where possible clients can check your company and its services.

Establish a brand with credibility. Provide information on various restoration and remediation projects to showcase knowledge. It’s also recommended to contact past customers to follow the business’s social media pages or leave reviews on the website. 

2. Offer More Services

Clients know about a business’s general restoration and remediation capabilities. They will seek other providers if they need a specific service they know a company doesn’t offer. Find a way to provide more services.

For example, a corporation suddenly spots mold growth in its building. Having emergency services ready can put the remediation business at the top of their mind as they look for solutions. Offer niche specialties like restoring antique furniture or carpeting as well.

3. Invest in New Equipment

Businesses providing more services should seek extra equipment to fulfill those tasks. For example, modern air movers can remove mold spores from the airflow. Measurement devices like moisture meters allow personnel to analyze problem areas. 

Aside from seeking new equipment, upgrading can also be wise. An enterprise’s PPE for restoration and remediation specialists may be subpar, and as it scales up, it’s important to upgrade and keep employees safe.

4. Get Efficient Transportation

More equipment means more responsibility. It can be costly to invest in machinery that’s damaged during transportation. Seek new vehicles that make it safer for a company to go to and from different locations.

Consider moving up to a truck or trailer if there’s only a van for business operations. For instance, a pipe-rail equipment trailer lets businesses move large or tall items without worrying about damage.2 Consider heavy-duty trailers for long-distance travel.

5. Streamline Work Processes

Scaling up a restoration and remediation business should include improving the work processes. For instance, moving internal communications to a single platform can prevent misunderstandings or late replies that can slow operations. 

It’s also good to collate everything into a single site when managing different expenses per project.

6. Expand the Team 

A good business is only possible with the right team. Aside from quality, quantity can also be a considerable factor. A micro-enterprise with fewer than 10 employees makes for an ideal startup.3 Those same numbers won’t be able to keep up with a bigger client base as time goes on.

Make the jump and employ people as needed to become a small enterprise. It’s also possible to outsource bookkeepers or workers on a contractual basis. This allows businesses to test the waters and determine how often they need help.

7. Focus on Leadership

Leadership plays a big part in growing a company. Restoration and remediation business owners should strive to improve their decision-making and delegation skills. They can also connect and network with industry professionals. A successful launch can make a company attractive for partnerships that benefit both sides.


Build up a Business

Many believe the secret to scaling a restoration and remediation business is going all out, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Plan and space out incremental steps. After establishing and growing a particular aspect of a company, the rest will naturally flow.

