Take a look at these two quotes and let them marinate for a moment. This month, they’ve both really spoken to me.

“Great things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs: the future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so.”

– David Brooks

Personally, I like the idea of the hustle. That word makes me think of working hard, being innovative, and quickly progressing toward a goal or benchmark. The harder you hustle, the more success you’ll find. No table scraps for me, thanks, I’ll take the feast. Those who don’t hustle can have the crumbs left behind. It’s going to take a whole lot of crumbs to equal any substantial success.

Both of those quotes boil down to one main thing: work ethic. In each of my jobs, I have seen a whole lot of variation in work ethic – and it’s likely you have too. There are those who seem so eager and hardworking when you hire them, but fizzle out quickly (guess they just interview well, huh?). Then there are those who might struggle through an interview, but have a solid resume so you trust your gut and boom – best employee ever.

Late last year, the RIA in Canada launched a subgroup called the RIA Young Professional Restorers Committee. Young restorers in the U.S. soon followed suit. This group is all about bringing the next generation of restorers – owners, CEOs, project managers, and so on -- together so they can network and share ideas. Think of it as a bit of succession planning, but these restorers took it upon themselves to create this inner group.

The young men and women who are part of YPRC are full of drive, great ideas, and are hard workers to boot. They get that it takes hard work to survive in this industry, and also understand the need to have a servant’s heart. 

Rest assured there are some up and coming leaders in restoration who know how to hustle – and are hustling hard. Members of YPRC want to be good leaders and industry stewards now – and 20 years from now.  They live by that second quote above – the future can be better than the present, thanks to the groundwork laid by generations of restorers before them, and they have the power to make great things happen in their company – and in the industry as a whole.

So, I would like to propose a toast as we wrap up 2016:

To restorers now gone, to today’s leaders wading the waters of quickly advancing technology and an ever-evolving insurance industry, and to tomorrow’s restorers and leaders who are eager to bring their ideas and inspiration to the helm: May this industry continue to be rooted in a servant’s heart, honesty, and good, old-fashioned hard work. Cheers to a successful 2017 – and beyond!