Jon Isaacson shares a story that points to the power of breathing fresh life into existing assets. “As we celebrate the dawn of a new year, perhaps this year isn’t as much about chasing what is new –manufacturing, remodeling, or accumulating – but discovering what is already there and putting the pieces together just a bit more concisely. The old new.”
Annissa Coy discusses pre-communication with adjusters, before the job is complete and the invoice is sent. She also explains why she does not prioritize communication with third parties during review.
Annissa Coy responds to a comment on a previous video. She discusses collaborating with the insurance side in the interest of the customer, without “selling out.”
In this episode of Ask Annissa, Annissa Coy addresses the following question: “I’m responding to fires from a scanner and I’m not signing any of the jobs. What do you think I am doing wrong?”
In this Ask the Expert episode, Gerry Edtl and Jordan Donald, the father-daughter team behind Gerry Edtl Consulting, discuss building reciprocal relationships with insurance agents and taking business development to new heights with direct referrals.
To pay homage to an eventful 2021 and help restorers ring in a prosperous 2022, R&R decided to go beyond the standard year-in-review piece. We asked leaders from across the industry to share what they consider strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. With those perspectives, we curated a comprehensive, long-form collection of restoration industry SWOT analyses for your exploration.
In 2016, Benjamin Surdi, founder and CEO of PureDry Restoration, purchased a business that was in major debt and all-around bad shape. Since then, the company has quadrupled in size and revenue, and it is a recognized market leader in Washington State.
Nia Sherrema Pearson shares out-of-the-box digital and traditional marketing approaches for restoration companies. Examples include text communication, community involvement, and relationships with plumbers and property managers.