December 18, 2008 - Home Carpet Industries (www.homecarpet.com) has launched a completely re-designed website offering greatly simplified navigation to the company’s products. A prominent feature of the new website is its interactive samples section.
The samples section greets visitors with Home Carpet’s sample boards for both the “Home Classics” and “Restoration Express” collections. Simple navigation allows visitors to browse through the sample boards, turn them to see color swatches, or go directly to specific styles. Clicking on the sample boards provides an enlarged view. From there, clicking on a specific swatch provides an even closer view that includes color and style number information.
The website was designed by Visual Print Group & Design, just north of Home Carpet’s hometown of Dalton, Georgia. In producing the site, Visual made high-resolution digital photographs of Home Carpet’s entire library of sample boards. “These images were used to help create a visually appealing and interactive website that reflects Home Carpet’s familiar tradeshow display,” stated Visual’s Creative Director.