Building science and its impact on restoration and reconstruction will be the focus of this year’s RIA Fall Conference in Albuquerque, Oct. 5-8. The International Balloon Fiesta will serve as the backdrop for professionals from the areas of education, research, construction, building science and restoration who will be speaking at the conference.
Joseph Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng., will speak at a pre-conference session and explain how building science applies to water damage restoration and drying. The full conference opens with presentations on evaluating building materials for restorability and the value of builder/damage repair contractor collaborations. Day two examines damage evaluation and restoration of non-conditioned spaces, includes a mini-keynote on home performance contracting, a look at university studies related to industry issues, an update from Purdue University on its restoration program within the construction management department, and an opportunity to hear and learn from leading authorities in the realm of building and construction science.
Among those presenting are: Lew Harriman, III, Mason Grant; Mike Humphrey, David Weekly Homes; Pat Huelman, University of Minnesota; Darren Hudema, WLS, Dri-Eaz Products; Mac Pearce, MPH, Mold Sampling & Diagnostic Service; Bill Rose, Building Research Council, University of Illinois; Randy Rapp, D. Mgt, PE, Purdue University, Bldg. Const. Mgt. Tech.; Teri Weston, Ph.D., DuPont; and Pete Consigli, CR, WLS, G. Pete Consigli Group.
Post-conference workshops include a mold refresher course presented by Michael Pinto, CSP, CMP, of Wonder Makers Environmental, Inc., and Healthy Buildings, People and Business from Barbara Manis, M.D., and Allan Burt of Building Health Sciences.
IESO/RIA Soot Standard Released for Comment
The new standard, BSR/IESO-RIA 6001-200x, Evaluation of HVAC/Mechanical system surfaces to determine the impact from fire related particulate, was released for public comment from the American National Standards Institute in late July. This standard will be used to determine the need for HVAC restoration following a fire or smoke event through specific established inspection guidelines and assessment principles. The comment period closed on Aug. 30 and the IESO subcommittee is reviewing and addressing the comments submitted.
IESO/RIA Fire Standard Update
The RIA/IESO Fire Standard development process is well underway. A committee will begin drafting an outline of the standard this fall, which will then be reviewed and refined by a group of industry volunteers in early 2011. Subcommittees are expected to begin meeting in spring 2011. Anyone interested in serving on one of the standard drafting committees should contact RIA director of communications Patricia Harman at pharman@restorationindustry.org.
Phoenix Awards Competition
RIA is issuing a call for entries for the 2011 Phoenix Awards for Innovation in Restoration and Reconstruction. Both RIA member firms as well as non-member firms who are active service providers in the restoration and remediation industry are eligible to compete. To be considered for eligibility, a project must be at least 90 percent complete by December 2010. Projects must also involve personal or building property and residential or commercial buildings in the areas of restoration and reconstruction. There is no minimum project size.
The deadline is Dec. 15, and all projects and entry forms should be post-marked by this date. The winners will be announced during the 66th Annual Convention and Exhibition, March 7-11, 2011.
For more information on these RIA programs, visit www.restorationindustry.org.