Now is the time to start making plans to attend NADCA’s 21st Annual Meeting & Exposition, March 27-30, 2010 at the Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa in Tucson, Arizona.
This is the best place, time and atmosphere for training and certifying your technicians. The Annual Meeting is also the only place you can see the new and innovative tools and materials for the HVAC inspection, maintenance and restoration industry.
The Annual Meeting Committee has brought back the most entertaining feature of last year’s meeting – the poolside reception – which will be followed by a casino night that is sure to be a blast. Both of these events will give NADCA members the opportunity to meet and greet colleagues – and most importantly, to relax a bit.
The 2010 Annual Meeting line-up is filled with exceptional training and education sessions. We’ll have in-depth training on things like NADCA’s new ACR Standard, personnel management and also some hands-on training for those who want to sharpen their skills.
Another plus for this year’s meeting will be “Breakfast with the President.” For two mornings during the Annual Meeting, NADCA President Robert “Buck” Sheppard and other members of the board will have breakfast with attendees, and no topic is off limits. Bring your concerns and your challenges, and let them know what is on your mind. This alone should justify the time and expense you will invest to attend.
NADCA’s Annual Meeting & Exposition is the most important event in the HVAC inspection, maintenance and restoration industry. We hope you will join us in Tucson for this cutting-edge event.
Hotel reservations can be made by contacting the Westin La Paloma directly at (520) 742-6000. When making room reservations, please be sure to identify yourself as attending the 2010 NADCA Annual Meeting & Exposition to receive the group rate of $195 single/double.
Please note that the hotel reservation cut-off date is Monday, March 1, 2010. Reservations after that date will be taken only if rooms are available, and will be at the prevailing rate.