A contingency plan is a plan devised for a specific situation when things could go wrong. Contingency plans are often devised by governments or businesses that want to be prepared for anything that could go wrong. It includes detailed strategies and actions on how to deal with specific variances to assumptions resulting from a particular problem or emergency. They are required to help governments, businesses or individuals to recover from serious incidents in the least amount of time with minimum cost and disruption.
During times of crisis, contingency plans are often developed to explore and prepare for any eventuality. Post 9-11, almost all government and businesses have revisited, revamped and now rehearse their plans religiously. When ABRA is invited to speak at and attend various trade shows and conferences for government and business entities, the topic of a contingency plan is almost always discussed. After reviewing and discussing many great and well-versed contingency plans, we asked the questions, “How are you going to handle the blood and tissue cleanup, and how are you going to get rid of it?”
The usual expression is that of a deer in the headlights, often accompanied by, “We have not considered that problem.”
One thing about a great contingency plan is, there is always room for amendments; a perfect contingency plan is never complete, but always revisited and rehearsed.
ABRA has, free of charge to any government, business or organization that has a current contingency plan in place, an insert that plugs into any current plan that covers the problem of who to call and what to do should there be blood, body fluids or tissue that needs to be cleaned up after an incident. When you call ABRA to get you complimentary insert, you will also receive the workplace compliance poster “Know Your Rights.” This is a compliance poster that explains not only to the employee, but to the employer OSHA regulations on what to do should there be blood, body fluids or tissue in the workplace.
We are ABRA…what about you? Join ABRA at their International Trade Show in Orlando, Fla., Sept. 20-23 at Disney’s Royal Plaza.