Anyone who knows me knows “Start with Why” is among my favorite books (authored by Simon Sinek) and quotes. I’ve made it my personal philosophy to “always start with why.” The phrase is even in my LinkedIn bio; I’m a bit of a nerd about it. 

As I embark on this journey as editor of R&R – diving into a brand new industry with everything to learn – starting with “why” is ever important. Knowing my/R&R’s “why” informs what we do and how we do it. It serves as a compass and a strategic lens through which we make day-to-day decisions. And as someone who easily falls into the trap of overcomplicating and overanalyzing, I always find that a clear purpose provides clarity. It naturally points me to my next steps and helps lay the path forward without requiring an overwhelming amount of brainpower. 

All of that said, we recently revisited our mission statement and here is our one-line “why”: to help restoration professionals better serve their customers. There’s more to the statement, including “empowering restoration professionals to reach their fullest potential” and providing “actionable insights,” among other things. Suffice to say, you are our “why.” We exist to help you fulfill on your purpose. 

Enter empathy. I know it’s a buzzword these days in the business world. But it’s super important. As the one responsible for setting the editorial direction of R&R, it’s oh so critical for me to get to know you all, and well. Only with a deep understanding of your needs and aspirations can I effectively deliver quality content that helps you thrive. 

This brings me to the “what.” Of course it’s not the only “what” (my to-do list strongly suggests otherwise). But it’s the “what” that I consider most foundational to R&R’s success in serving you. As the authors of “The ONE Thing” (another one of my favorite books) would put it, it’s the one thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier. That is: an unending tour of this industry, in which I simply talk to the people in it, familiarizing myself with your biggest questions, challenges, areas of opportunity, etc. And as I engage in these conversations, no doubt, there will be great stories told, rich not only with inspiration and valuable takeaways I benefit from, but that fellow restoration industry pros benefit from. 

And finally, the “how.” I’m excited to expand on our popular Ask the Expert podcast with a subseries, called Real Stories in Restoration. Ask the Expert as you know it will remain, covering timely topics and featuring industry leaders. It will simply stretch to also include your stories – the journeys of the people in restoration – how you got here, the work you do and tools you use, lessons learned, memorable projects, advice for industry peers, all of it. So, I invite you to join me in sharing your why, what and how, and helping others learn in the process. 

If you’re interested in sharing your real story in restoration, no matter where you sit in the industry or your level, please reach out to me:

I’m looking very forward to getting to know you!




P.S. In addition to connecting via Zoom calls and industry events (and speaking of “real”) I’m all about riding along with restoration contractors to gain real-life exposure to the work this industry does. So if you provide services in Southeast Michigan – where I’m based – or a surrounding area, and you’re open to me being a fly on the wall, please shoot me an email. Or give me a call: (248) 786-1653