The IICRC Certification Council and Board of Directors meetings were held October 13-15. During that time special sessions were held gathering input for the IICRC Strategic Plan for the years ahead. Sessions were held regarding marketing plans, governance and administration issues, education and certification goals, standards development, instructors and schools issues and exam development. The notes from these discussions are being consolidated and formed into the strategic plan that will be reviewed and presented to the board of directors for refinement and implementation.
During the busy mid-October weekend, there was also a special caucus meeting held by all commercial drying specialist instructors. This is part of the required continuing education and professional development that instructors must have to maintain their approval. The result is IICRC instructors remain on the leading edge of technology and industry best practices.
One-third of the 15-member IICRC Board of Directors was up for election by the organization’s shareholders and four board members were re-elected for a new term with one new board member being added to replace a retiring member. In addition, two honorary board members were elected. The result is a dedicated and diverse Board of Directors to lead the organization forward.
The IICRC marketing committee is working with the producers of the popular TV program, “Designing Spaces” to gain coverage and exposure for IICRC-Certified Registrants, Technicians and Firms. The segment is planned for airing later this year or early next year.
At the request of the IICRC Board of Directors, the IICRC finance committee commissioned a study of the IICRC fee structure comparing it to cost of living indexes, inflation rates and other economic indicators. The Board of Directors has been holding the line with fees for years realizing that economic situations have been tight. Following the study, it became clear that the IICRC fees have not been keeping up with inflation or increased business costs. As a result, the IICRC Board of Directors voted and passed a small increase in Certified Technician fees and exam fees. This is the first increase in almost 10 years. The fee increase is slated to take effect beginning February 1, 2013. Most exam fees will move from $50 to $65. Tech fees will increase by 20%. That means that, for example, renewal fees for technicians with one or two technicians will see an increase from $30 to $36 per year. Those holding 3-4 certification categories will see a $40 to $48 increase and technicians holding Certifications in five or more categories will see an increase from $50 to $60. All other technician fees will see a proportionately similar increase. 
It is expected that the money from the fee increase will allow for greater marketing opportunities to promote certification and increase the value of the credentials in the marketplace. This will translate into more business for Certified Registrants.
On the standards front, progress continues on the revision of the S520 Mold Remediation Standard, the S500 Water Damage Restoration Standard and the S300 Upholstery Cleaning Standard. New standards expected to be in the peer review stages by year-end include the S600 Carpet Installation Standard and the S800 Carpet Inspector Standard. Work has also begun on a trauma scene cleanup standard as well. More information on how subject matter experts can be part of the development of these standards can be found at the IICRC web site at
The IICRC is moving ahead with great enthusiasm with many new projects on the horizon. Any industry specialists wishing to participate on technical committees, task forces or other areas of interest should contact the IICRC at