The first and only year-long sales training program exclusively for restoration contractor salespeople will kick-off with a two day Sales Academy on January 20 and 21, 2010. The program, entitled “Sales Mastery for Restorers”, is the creation of Timothy Miller who identified the need for such a specialized program through his consulting work with restoration contractors.

  “Sales training as an event always fails,” says Timothy Miller, President of Business Development Associates, Inc. “That is why I teamed up with sales expert John Hirth to create a year-long sales program designed specifically for restorers that not only gives salespeople the tools they need, but also provides them with on-going reinforcement and support to make sure what they learn sticks.”

  “Sales Mastery for Restorers” is based upon a consultative selling system that is radically different than the more commonly utilized features and benefits style of selling. While this older style of sales technique can be successful, it delivers lower percentages of success, is very stressful for salespeople to use and is accompanied by high levels of sales staff turnover.

                          The system that will be taught at “Sales Mastery for Restorers” gives salespeople a much more effective way to communicate with clients. It allows them to be in control of the sales situation and consistently establish relationships that will deliver more jobs from the most common targets restorers regularly work with.

  “Another major difference of the Sales Mastery program is that it is not a generic sales training program, but one that has been completely customized for restorer salespeople,” said Miller. “It gives participants the exact tools they need to be successful with Adjusters, Agents, Property and Facility Managers, General Contractors, Plumbers, Industrial Hygienists, Property Inspectors, Realtors and so on. This system has been proven in the field by my own restoration clients, so it’s not just theory.”   The program consists of a wealth of material customized just for the restoration industry including:
  • 2-Day Sales Academy Training that teaches the sales system and provides the specific target “scripting” including extensive role playing.
  • Sales Discussion Guides, Sales Maps and a Complete System Manual to provide your sales team with the tools to insure proper implementation of the sales system.
  • Monthly Tele-Seminars to reinforce the sales system and provide expert solutions to real-world situations and objections faced by your salespeople.
  • Coaching Sessions with Tim Miller and John Hirth on a one-on-one basis to address specific sales challenges on an as needed basis.
  • Members Only Website loaded with program training and reference materials.
  For more information about “Sales Mastery for Restorers” see