In the past two years and even just in the past two months, there have been some major changes in the organization. First, as you’re likely aware, the name was changed to The Clean Trust, which the board of directors approved earlier this year.

For almost 40 years, the IICRC has built a strong reputation within the cleaning, restoration and inspection industry, but has struggled to gain momentum with other audiences, particularly the general consumer. The Clean Trust allows for the expansion into other service areas, such as installation, rather than adding extra letters or words to the existing acronym.

We are still cleaning, restoration and inspection focused. Although the name might say clean, the organization is still focused on its three core areas of expertise and has no intention of discontinuing this.

Everything The Clean Trust does (hard surface inspection, water damage restoration, carpet cleaning and more) ties back to its mission to identify and promote an international standard of care that establishes and maintains the health, safety and welfare of the built environment.

This change from the IICRC to The Clean Trust is a gradual one, so registrants and Certified Firms have time to gather the new materials and update the look and feel of their materials when their schedules permit – there is no requirement or deadline. The organization understands that there are a lot of materials to be replaced so a gradual switch will allow for a smooth transition.

We only request that you update your materials as you go through normal revisions to the new name and website; the current URL addresses will remain active and will redirect to If you have questions about replacing patches and decals, please call headquarters at (360) 693-5675.

The second major change that recently took place for the organization is the restructuring of the board of directors. As part of the governance restructuring that was approved at the April shareholders meeting, board members will now be elected on a rotating basis.  Additionally, it was determined that the board would be limited to 15 members to create and sustain strategic governance and achieve organizational excellence.

In the strategic plan the organization adopted last April, we outlined the organization’s goals for governance moving forward. The new board structure is a result of The Clean Trust working to accomplish these goals. In addition to the new board structure, The Clean Trust also evaluated and amended existing policies and procedures enabling the organization to intentionally and effectively fulfill its mission, implemented evaluations for management firm, consultants and contractors to continually evaluate progress in meeting goals, and established an RFP protocol. 

Moving forward, you’ll continue to hear about changes to processes and procedures for the organization as The Clean Trust continues to grow and change. We appreciate your feedback in the progress and look forward to what comes next.