If you’re not planning on attending the ABRA Conference in August, you’re going to miss out on some very interesting topics and training. The Conference Committee has worked hard to make sure you enjoy and receive valuable benefits and information from attending.
This year will be different, as ABRA is aggressively moving ahead. We have been talking with people who will show you how your company can benefit from technology and training, allowing you to save money and time through a few simple practices you can put to use. Attending the Conference will provide (2) IICRC continued education credits and about 30 hours of required credits for ABRA members.
Attendees who remain in town after the Conference will also have the option for training through the “Bio-Recovery Technician Certification Course” at the facility of one of our members, Aug. 18-20, at greatly reduced rates; those that wish to attend the 3-day course must sign up before Aug. 10 and be paid in full.
During the Conference we will be talking about the insurance industry and examining estimation software issues. We feel it’s time to invite these industries to sit down with us and discuss how we can help each other, understand how each of us are affected, and how each of us can help others understand why we must do the things we do. Many times, issues could be settled faster if we each had a clear understanding of each other’s needs and goals.
We are hearing about more and more training schools and instructors entering the bio-recovery field, and it is a sure thing that many more will enter the picture in the next few years. What is behind many is nothing but hype and greed. There are some trainers who could not become approved by ABRA standards, and therefore make negative claims about ABRA and its members. There are those who have left ABRA because they could not meet or maintain ABRA’s high standards and requirements, but still feel qualified to teach others. Some teach untruths and misquote OSHA and other government agencies’ laws and regulations. Don’t fall victim: come see why ABRA is different and learn what is required to be a member in the No. 1 bio-recovery organization in the world.
ABRA invites you to come see what we have to offer. Train and become part of an association that cares for the services we provide to the public and others. Become trained in many fascists of this industry in a safe and caring environment. Network with people that want to see you grow and have a productive business. ABRA is on the move, and will continue to be a leader in safety and training to protect its members and the public now and in the future.
ABRA has invited some of these trainers and schools to submit their material for approval for continued education credits (CEC); so far only one has submitted their course, it says a lot when others won’t submit theirs, it makes you wonder what they are afraid of doesn’t it.
You can go to the ABRA website at www.americanbiorecovery.com and sign up for the conference and make your hotel reservations. I’m looking forward to meeting and talking with each of you.