With 2009 ticking down, it would be so easy to reflect on the hardships our country has endured this year.
But in the spirit of Thanksgiving, here are five reasons to be thankful.
1. A stabilizing economy.Let’s blissfully skip the bad economic data and cherry-pick the positive stuff until next week. We deserve a few days off from all the nasty news.
2. Our standard of living.I just returned from a trip to South Africa, where our group visited some of the poorest settlements on the planet. If you’ve lost your home this year, my thoughts are with you. If you have a decent place to live, consider it a treasure.
3. Free speech.My guess is that you, like me, take for granted our right to speak openly. Many places today restrict free speech. While I won’t suffer for writing this blog (you might for reading it), others could lose their lives for sharing their thoughts publicly.
4. Democracy.As the turkey and stuffing make the rounds this weekend, here’s a fun way to respond to the question, “What are you thankful for?” Pull out a copy of the Declaration of Independence and start reading. My favorite part:“We, therefore,the Representatives of theUnited States of America, in general congress, assembled, appeal to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do in the Name and by Authority of the good People of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to beFree and Independent States;”
5. The Detroit Lions.They’ve already won two games this season!
On behalf of the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Maintenance, Mechanical Systems and Security groups at BNP Media, our best wishes for a safe and rewarding Thanksgiving.