Leesburg, GA October 21, 2009 – After two months of revision, SCRT has launched its new, interactive website @ www.scrt.org. Members will now have access to more than 75 technical bulletins and other industry related documents in the Member’s Only Section. And as archived bulletins are converted to PDF, more will be added to the site each month. Bulletins dating back to 2005 range in topics from Management and Marketing to Fibers and Fabrics to Chemistry and Technology to Health and Safety and many more are available.
According to Gary Glenn, SCRT President, “One of SCRT’s goals has always been to provide its members with ongoing technical information. This improved interactive site does just that. Whether you’re a cleaner, restorer or inspector, there’s information on the site that will benefit your business.”
In addition, as part of the interactive web site, members may go on-line and update their company information in the Member Directory and even add a link to their own website. There is a search option for SCRT Members to enable consumers to find a professional cleaner or restorer in their area. Associate Members have a special section where they can be recognized and link their website to the SCRT.
Past Monitor Newsletters, an on-line store, chapter information and the latest industry news is on the website as well. A downloadable form is also available on the site for members to apply for the SCRT Member’s Only Scholarship. Potential members can easily apply for membership on the site as well.
For more information, access the new SCRT website, www.scrt.org or call 800.949.4728.
SCRT Announces Interactive Website
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