Peter Baston, a middle-aged consultant with intense blue eyes, hauls out a box of corroded pipes to illustrate what’s wrong with the plumbing under Villa de la Paz, the quiet adobe condo complex near the intersection of Agua Fria and Henry Lynch roads.  

“This entire plumbing system is imploding,” Baston says. “Every home that has this piping needs to be retrofitted.”

The pipe is called Kitec, a once-ubiquitous material that’s since been taken off the market for its propensity to disintegrate, and it’s what Villa de la Paz residents have for plumbing. In the years Baston and his wife, Lilli Segre, have lived here, they’ve seen water mains and pipes burst and break with abandon.They’ve watched residents pay thousands of dollars out-of-pocketto patch moldy walls and repair water damage. From the Santa Fe Reporter.