For the past 11 years, the Indoor Air Quality Association has delivered annual meetings and expositions that set unprecedented levels for technical content, business networking and product exhibits. In February 2009, IAQA is again taking its convention to a whole new level of excitement, information and opportunity!
The IAQA 12th Annual Meeting will be co-located with the 41st Annual Meeting of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America in Fort Worth, Texas, Feb. 24-26. The two organizations will come together several times each day at the combined ACCA-IAQA Indoor Air Expo – the largest exposition of IAQ and HVAC products ever assembled under one roof!
IAQA 12th Annual Meeting
The IAQA 12th Annual Meeting features more than 50 IAQA technical sessions, workshops and panel discussions. Presentations offer the latest information, innovative approaches, and best science for indoor environmental professionals. Speakers include a distinguished group of doctors, professors, scientists, IAQ practitioners, and remediation and restoration pros. IAQA conference attendees may also attend technical sessions offered separately by ACCA. Sessions that might appeal to R&R readers include:
- AIHA’s Mold Book and Industrial Hygiene Standards and Guidelines (Donald M. Weekes, CIH, CSP, InAIR Environmental, Ltd.)
- Applying Real-Time Biological Testing to Monitor Drying Efforts of Category 1 Water Loss (Slade Smith, RPIH, RCI, BEM Corporation)
- Asbestos for the Restoration Contractor: Myths, Truths, & Practical Guidance (Derrick A. Denis, CIEC, CAC, CIAQP, WRT, Clark Seif Clark, Inc.)
- Assessment and Post-Remediation Verification Debate (Wane A. Baker, P.E., CIH, Michaels Engineering; Bob Brandys, Ph.D., P.E., CIH, Occupational & Environmental Health Consulting; Wei Tang, Ph.D., Qlab)
- Bacteroides – A Better Alternative to Determine Sewage Contamination (Diane Miskowski, MPH, EMSL Analytical, Inc.)
- Clandestine Drug Lab Remediation (Thomas E. Boecher, CHMM, CIEC, DeLisle Associates Ltd.)
- Environmental Monitoring and Evaluating Cleanliness During Duct Cleaning in an Occupied Hospital (John Martinelli, Forensic Analytical Consulting Services, Inc.)
- EPA: Indoor Air Quality Resources and Concerns Associated with the use of Pesticides in Ventilation Systems (Tracy Lantz, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticide Programs, Antimicrobials Division)
- Fungal Ecology of the Indoor Environment (Chin S. Yang, Ph.D., Prestige EnviroMicrobiology, Inc.)
- Green Diversity – Green Choices for Your IAQ Company (Stacey Champion, CIE, Champion Indoor Environmental Services; David Krause, Ph.D., CIH, Indoor Air Solutions; J. Scott Armour, M.S., Armour Applied Science, LLC)
- Home Environmental Assessments for Asthma Patients (Kevin Kennedy, CIEC, Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics; Luke Gard, Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics)
- Introduction to the Technologies of Indoor Air Quality (Larry D. Sambrook, CIEC, Indoor Air Quality Network LLC)
- Lumberyard Mold in New Construction and its Complexities (Peter Sierck, CMC, CIEC, CMRS, Environmental Testing & Technology, Inc.)
- Portable High Efficiency Air Filtration (PHEAF) Device Field Testing and Validation Standard – Draft (Bob Brandys, Ph.D., P.E., CIH, Occupational & Environmental Health Consulting)
- What You Always Wanted To Know About Moldy HVAC Systems But Were Afraid To Look (Carolyn Christensen, ASCS, DUCTZ of Greater Atlanta)
- Why & How to Perform a Moisture Survey (Wayne Shellabarger, CMRS, CMC, Acuity Engineers)
For the complete session and speaker list, visit www.iaqa.org.
Indoor Air Expo
By combining expositions for the Indoor Air Expo, IAQA and ACCA bring together a group of vendors from closely aligned industries. HVAC is an integral component of IAQ management, and likewise IAQ solutions are a driving force in HVAC design, installation and service. The more than 200 companies that have exhibited with IAQA and/or ACCA since 2007 and dozens more will fill out more than 300 exhibit spaces at the Indoor Air Expo.
Meal and social functions, including continental breakfasts, lunches and cocktail receptions, take place within the Indoor Air Expo. It offers an unprecedented atmosphere for business networking and product reviews. The Indoor Air Expo exposes attendees to new IAQ product and service technologies, enabling diversification and improvement to company performance.
For registration, program and hotel details, download the convention brochure at www.iaqa.org.