(Atlanta, GA -- June 30, 2009) -- FLAMEDXX, LLC has granted exclusive North American distribution rights for its FLAMEDXX fire retardant coated OSB to Arch Wood Protection, Inc.
FLAMEDXX OSB is oriented strand board coated with a fire retardant in a proprietary process. The resulting panels qualify for a Class A fire retardant material rating (specifically, its Flame Spread Index = 10 and Smoke Developed Index = 110). In the extended 30-minute test, which is not conducted on most coated products, there is no evidence of progressive combustion.
Patrick Thompson, president of FLAMEDXX, said, “We are very pleased to have reached this agreement with Arch. They have been at the forefront of fire retardant treated wood products for decades. They know the market. We could not have found a better partner.”
Rodney Hardison, Arch Wood Protection’s New Business Development Manager for North America, said his company had been monitoring fire retardant coatings for several years. “There have been a number of manufacturers making claims for their coatings; FLAMEDXX has substantiated performance of its coated OSB through testing by accredited agencies using accepted protocols. It has been issued a code evaluation report. Fire retardant coated OSB fits well with our Dricon® wood product line, and FLAMEDXX OSB matches our desire to offer the most reliable options.”
FLAMEDXX Grants Distribution Rights to Arch Wood Protection