The RIA Board of Directors propelled the association toward the redesign and redevelopment of its flagship certification, the Certified Restorer (CR) with the formal launch and meeting of its CR Redevelopment Committee.
Committee members were selected from applications received from RIA’s rank and file membership and represent various aspects of the industry, from independent owners and franchisees, to newly certified CRs, seasoned CRs, consultants, educators and non-certified personnel.
“The CR Certification Program has been the pinnacle certification in our industry for many years. It is exciting to be a part of the process of building upon a great program for the 21st century Certified Restorer,” said Jack White, CR, WLS. “We expect the end results to be something that current CRs will be proud of, and future CRs will see that the benefits of the designation are worth the time, expense, and work. “
The Committee held their first meeting June 11 -13, 2011, with curriculum development specialist Larue Coats Knudson. Work focused on redefining the body of knowledge as it relates to the 21st Century Certified Restorer, segmenting it by “content domains.” The Committee anticipates that it will take up to 12 months to fully define the CR/Restoration Body of Knowledge. The document will then be released to the industry for Peer Review with the intended goal of being a curriculum resource for industry professionals to develop courses as it relates to the CR training.
“I am encouraged that the process of developing the group’s opinions is sound, and the results so far do not contradict RIA’s and Purdue’s 2009 Body of Knowledge Survey findings derived from mathematical analysis of responses of the 275 restoration professionals, which included 161 RIA certificants. When different approaches yield much of the same result, one gains confidence in the outcomes,” said Randy Rapp, Professor, Purdue University.
While the redevelopment of the overall CR curriculum will continue over the next 12 -18 months, RIA continues its CR Certification program with select modifications and upgrades for the next two years.
Those interested in pursuing their CR are encouraged to complete the process during the next two years, which will be termed the “grandfathering” period, prior to anticipated new requirements going into effect 2013. For more information on applying for the CR Certification program, email chereth@restorationindustry.org.