Are you wondering “IF” you should be using social media to market your restoration business? The answer is a huge and resounding YES! But, if you want to create a strategy that will have a long life cycle, you need to understand why social media really matters and shift your thinking on how you can use it effectively. 
There are over one billon active users on Facebook. Approximately 934 million of them use a mobile device to access the social media site every day. That means you have the perfect opportunity to literally put yourself in the palm of your client’s hand every single day. 
The crazy thing about social media is although it is relatively simple to use, we allow ourselves to second guess everything until we are either frozen with fear that we might do it wrong or frustrated with feelings of failure as we try to tie an ROI number to our efforts. Both of these outcomes are NOT going to help you grow your business. 
So, what do you need to know to successfully navigate the sea of social media opportunities? As you shift your thinking, you will discover there is a myriad of ways to make social media work for you. Wouldn’t it be great if you could get your clients to know, like and trust you before you ever did a job for them? You can use social media to set the stage for that and it will ultimately add to your bottom line. 
3 Steps for Success
1. Get People to Know You
Building a relationship with someone takes time. The more time you spend with someone, the better you get to know them. When it comes to Facebook, this means that by consistently posting, you gain top-of-mind awareness. As fans continually see you in their newsfeed, they will get a feel for who you are. Over time, they will know you.
This is especially true if you are making an effort to provide content of value to them. 
2. Get People to Like You 
You can connect with your fans in a real and authentic way on a daily basis using Facebook. The better you understand your fans (potential customers), the better you will know what they are interested in and you can essentially be the cool kid that they would like to hang out with. Provide information, tips, ideas, entertainment, and inspiration that people find interesting and they will be drawn to you. Simple as that. 
3. Get People to Trust You
Be the expert to your audience. You know things of great value that you are uniquely positioned to share. When you share those things, trust develops. When you use your expertise to give people things of value, such as free “how to” tips, trust increases and people begin to connect and appreciate you.  
Can you see how far ahead of the competition you are if potential clients know, like and trust you before they actually need you? It makes it very easy for them to turn to you when in need of your services. 
5 Critical Mistakes to Avoid 
Now, wouldn’t it be nice if getting people to know, like and trust you was easy? It’s not an easy thing to do in real life situations, so why would it be easy on social media? The fact is there are five critical mistakes that cleaning and restoration companies make over and over again when it comes to their social media marketing. 
Once you understand these five mistakes you will be able to identify and avoid them before you make them. 
Mistake #1 - Content Without Connection 
One of the biggest mistakes companies make is posting content that has zero connection to your audience. To be effective at posting content AND making a connection, you are going to need to put aside all of your preconceived beliefs about Facebook. 
If you are always asking where is my ROI? You are a prime candidate for this big mistake. It’s all about delivering content that your audience is interested in. Give them the chance to see behind the scenes of your business (this is where they get to know you). Open yourself up personally and let them see who you really are (this is where they get to like you).  
It’s all about making a connection. Remember, people do not like Facebook pages. They do like the people associated with those pages. You can put out all the content in the world, but if you don’t connect with people what’s the point? 
Be authentic. Be real. Be the expert. You will be rewarded.
Mistake #2 – No Consistency
Posting occasionally is just not going to cut it. Facebook is not going to show every single one of your posts to every person who likes your page. You have to earn that! You earn it by delivering content so often that you begin to get engagement from your fans. The more people like, comment and share your posts, the more visibility each post receives. 
It is very common for companies to have big plans, grand ideas, and get serious about posting and then the excitement wears off and the frequency disappears. Give yourself a fighting chance and create a content calendar. 
For example, Monday might be a motivational quote, on Tuesday post a tip, on Wednesday give fans a look behind the scenes, etc. Once you have a road map with your content calendar, take advantage of scheduling tools. Facebook has a free scheduling tool you can use that help keep you consistent. 
Mistake #3 – No Clear Strategy 
You can run your social media marketing or it can run you. You don’t want to just hope your stuff works. 
First, identify your goals and then really understand your audience. If you don’t make a conscience effort to create a strategy it will feel like throwing spaghetti against the wall hoping something sticks. Facebook has amazing analytic tools to show you exactly what is working so take advantage of them as you create and adjust your strategy. 
Mistake #4 –Becoming Too “Me” Focused 
Facebook is “social” media, so be social. Imagine you are at dinner with a group of friends and one guy only wants to talk about himself. His job, his jokes, his all around awesomeness… you know that guy right? You do not want to be “that” guy! 
The exact same principles apply with your social media presence as at your dinner parties. Remember to join the conversations and not interrupt them. And, remember to contribute with things of interest to others, not just things that benefit you. It’s really not about you. 
Mistake #5 –Too "Salesy"
This mistake is huge and it will tempt you more than all of the rest. You are constantly evaluating what marketing strategies give you the best return on investment and we are programmed to make judgments based directly on dollars. 
Social media strategies are very different than sales strategies. Don’t confuse the two of them. Your website is where you sell. Your Facebook page and other social media platforms are where you build relationships and get potential customers to know, like, and trust you so they will turn to you when they determine they need you. 
Using social media correctly can be a powerful strategy when done correctly.  It will take patience and discipline, but it will pay off. Your efforts to build relationships through social media will strengthen your presence and position in your market. 
Want some examples? Check out what 911 Restoration is doing on their social media pages! Plus, check out Spot On Solution's video series: 5 Biggest Facebook Marketing Mistakes Cleaners & Restorers Make & How to Avoid Them.