This is probably one of the biggest challenges of being in business - how to hire, keep, train and motivate employees.

There is definitely some things you can put in place to minimize your employee headaches. Here are a few that I do in my own company:

  • Background checks:All potential new hires are put through a full background check, including driving record. If you state in your application or hiring process that all applicants must be able to pass a back ground check, you can prequalify potential employees in advance.
  • Employee Handbook: A detailed expectation and agreement of employment will help you make sure that your new employees are in agreement with the standards that you have put into place in your company. It will also establish expectations of your new hires.
  • Company Culture: Creating an environment where others can excel and are rewarded for such goes a long way to set standards within your team. If you hire someone who doesn't fit in with your team’s standards that they are all held to, they will likely weed themselves out.
  • Let Them Plan The Fight… Then, they won’t fight the plan. Include and engage your employees in planning your company’s success. If the plan isn't working then they know they are the ones with the power to change it. Including their goals will give them a collective target to shoot for. This alone can minimize bad attitudes, lack of follow through and create the desire to help your company meet its goals.